My little ramblings on this present time.
Hey y'all. Hope everyone is doing okay today. My mind has been in a million places, so I thought I would hop on here and write a bit. The times we are living in right now is unlike any other time in most of our lives. Covid-19 is our plague. It is mild in some, deadly in others, and so unknown. I am not on here to bash or try to convince you of anything. I am merely sharing my experience. Therefore, please no bashing me. My first father-in-law, mother-in-law, and brother-in-law have all had Covid. So has other members of their family. Members of my church have had it. Friends have had it. Acquaintances have had it. For all I know, that could have been what I had when I was so sick back in Februrary. I know people who have only had mild symptoms, but others have been sick for weeks. Still others have passed away or are currently critically ill and only a miracle will save them. It is a terrible, sneaky disease. In the midst of Covid, I also have dear friends dealing with cancer surg...