Do ya LOVE Me? (Do ya love meh?)
You sang that, didn't you? Yes. I'm singing it now, too, hahaha. I just had to get up and mash potatoes and do the twist! ;) Seriously, though...what's the one thing we all want in life? Be honest! Whether you admit it or not, it's not fame or fortune, a big house, a nice car. We all have but one true desire. To be loved. Honest to goodness, deep down, without a doubt LOVED! Not for what we do or who we are, but simply because. Just plain old unconditionally loved. I do! I'll admit it. I want to know that somewhere out there in this vast universe is one person who loves me more than anyone else in all God's creation ever could. Even though I sometimes talk too much, in spite of my too plump physique, regardless of the fact I walk with a limp...I want someone to love me, baggage, scars and all! My personal opinion about love is that we all have a flawed sense of what that tender, passi...