
Showing posts from December, 2014

...a Way in the Desert? What Desert?

Back in November of 2012, I was getting ready to go on my very first mission trip.  I knew in my heart I wasn't ready, I just didn't know why.  I took one Thursday and just prayed and read my Bible.  The lesson He taught me over the next few days is one that I revisit often.  Evidently it's one I'm constantly needing to re-learn.  :) That morning I took a seat in Huddle House.  One I didn't normally sit in.  The one closest to the front door with my back to the door.  (Big no no for me.  My normal spot is near the back door, in a corner, back against the wall so I can see everyone who comes and goes.)  I figured this would be the seat of least distraction, since I really couldn't see ANYTHING!  While adding milk and sugar to my cup of coffee, I opened my Bible randomly and petitioned God to please show me what I needed to do to get myself ready for this trip!  He gave me several verses over several days, but the first one w...

Seeing the Light

Let me just say, I've had an amazing Christmas. We are so very blessed! I can't even begin to say how wonderful God has been to us this year, I can't even count all of my blessings. They are too numerous to tell.  Yet, now that I have stopped, now that the festivities are over, my heart is heavy. Maybe it's because this time of year always brings a sort of melancholy along with it. Maybe it's because my family is so far away. Maybe it's because I'm missing my friend (wh o has gone on to be with the Lord) terribly today. Maybe it's because time is passing, kids are growing up, I'm getting older, life is different...there are a thousand maybes.  Whatever the reason(s), I was randomly looking through my photos from this year, and this one caught my eye. I've loved it since I took it. For some reason, it spoke to me. As it does now.  God, with his still, small voice, whispered into my soul to stop. To take it all in.  "What do you se...