...a Way in the Desert? What Desert?
Back in November of 2012, I was getting ready to go on my very first mission trip. I knew in my heart I wasn't ready, I just didn't know why. I took one Thursday and just prayed and read my Bible. The lesson He taught me over the next few days is one that I revisit often. Evidently it's one I'm constantly needing to re-learn. :) That morning I took a seat in Huddle House. One I didn't normally sit in. The one closest to the front door with my back to the door. (Big no no for me. My normal spot is near the back door, in a corner, back against the wall so I can see everyone who comes and goes.) I figured this would be the seat of least distraction, since I really couldn't see ANYTHING! While adding milk and sugar to my cup of coffee, I opened my Bible randomly and petitioned God to please show me what I needed to do to get myself ready for this trip! He gave me several verses over several days, but the first one w...